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To Merge Finances Or Not In Marriage? That Is the Question

In the category of what has changed significantly about marriage in the 21st century, add the fact that more couples are eschewing joint bank accounts and electing to keep their finances separate.

Sociologists and others who study this sort of thing site numerous reasons why Millennials are electing to keep money separate after marriage. For starters, couples are waiting longer to get married, which means individuals have established themselves in terms of career and salary. Letting go of financial independence can be tough after you’ve had it for a decade or more.

How does mediation work in my divorce?

There are a lot of questions you may have when going through a divorce. How much does a divorce cost? Do I have to go to court, or are there more amicable ways to end my marriage? How does mediation work in Georgia?

Fortunately, there are other options you can take when you know your marriage is over, instead of traditional litigation. Mediation is one of the most common ways for couples to resolve their differences in a divorce, because of its simplicity and cost-effectiveness. The following points illustrate how mediation works:

Can high-income couples have an uncontested divorce?

Yes, high-income couples can have an uncontested divorce. In fact, many do, and their divorces can be finalized in a mere two or three months. Whether a divorce is contested or uncontested is unrelated to how much money the couple earns, but rather depends on whether they are able to agree on issues (for example, child custody and property division).

Of course, couples of all income levels have a lot to think about when it comes to divorce, even if it is uncontested. Here is a look at a few considerations.

Pursuing grandparent visitation in Georgia

As a grandparent, your grandchildren are probably some of the most important and valuable people in your life, and to maintain strong relationships with them, visits are generally necessary. Family situations can prove quite complicated, however, and sometimes parents or others deny grandparents visitation, or do not permit grandparents to visit with grandchildren as much as the grandparents might like.

Common signs that your spouse is hiding assets

If you are going through a divorce and splitting everything from your bank account to time with your children down the middle, it is important that you are aware of all the joint marital property and who has access to it.

On top of all the emotional stress associated with getting divorced, there are unfortunate times where one spouse will take advantage of another and cover up assets. It is fairly common for this to happen, so you should always be aware of the warning signs.

How divorce impacts financial aid

If you have recently gone through a divorce, you may still be feeling the emotional effects and trying to sort out your new life while helping your children adjust to the changes. Divorce has the capacity to affect many aspects of your life, including your ability to finance your child’s college education.


Practice Areas


Contested Divorce

Divorce Mediation

Pre & Post-Nuptial Agreements

Property Division

Same Sex Divorce

Uncontested Divorce

Our Attorneys

B.J. Abbott

Attorney Heather Logan

Heather Logan

Parri Abbott